Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Funky stuff

The other night I entered the realm of celebrity dreaming. I hardly ever remember my dreams, and rarely do I actually dream about famous people. But a few nights ago, I was graced with the presence of James Brown. As cool as that might sound to some, it wasn't. He beat me up.

The dream started with me hanging out at a lake house (which looked suspiciously like the lake house my friends and I christened with copious amounts of alcohol our freshman year in college) with a former friend from high school. Don't worry friends from high school. If you know about this blog or have spoken to me within the last five years, I'm not talking about you. Anyway, so I was at this lake house when said former friend forced me into her car and drove erratically for what seemed like eternity. Finally, she dropped me off at a deserted train station. Only it was then that James Brown came up to me. And he started beating me up, all the while yelling his trademark "I feel good!" line.

According to my friend Wendy's dream book, dreaming about both attacks and celebrities means that you are feeling under appreciated and like you are not reaching your full potential.

Apparently, I'm having some issues. As if that wasn't clear from being beaten up by James Brown.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that means you have issues, I don't even want to know what the dream I had the other night--in which my boss was teaching a class on America's Next Top Model, and was giving a test I hadn't studied for, which he made me take on camouflage paper with a pen that was dispensing ketchup--says about me.

Does your friend Wendy's dream book have an entry for that one?

11:53 AM  

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